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Personal Projects
Rae Sloane Project
This project was my most recent 'practice' project where i was testing out various pipeline particulars for when i want to make a more professional looking project from start to finish. As i have a personal project i've storyboarded almost to completion based on an old webcomic concept of mine i used this project as an opportunity to spend time learning compositing and 3d rendering and modelling techniques. I may have bit off a bit more than i could in some areas but i learned a lot from the process and know what to avoid in the future when working on projects like this.
As for the content itself, this project is a short tribute to my favourite Star Wars villain, the Grand Admiral herself, Rae Sloane! When the sequel movies first started coming out there was an initiative with the publishing side to create new novels that somehwat tied into the new movies while filling gaps in the canon after the original trilogy. Sloane was the main villain of the Aftermath series of novels that i really loved. They hold a special place for me because they were the first books i read in years i really got into. I began reading books again more regularly afterwards. This is mostly a collection of short scenes i like that aren't exactly faithful to the books per se (less characters featured than are in scenes as described in the ooks) but i distilled the moments to be recognizable enough to fellow readers who only vaguely remember these moments. This was an incredibly fruitful learning experience.
'nmplol' Fan Animation Project
This project was a practice piece for a bunch of things and dipping my toe in with working with 3d backgrounds and comp a little bit and i learned a lot. I'd been watching this livestreamers streams while working on anime jobs for a while and in a break between projects i wanted to make a fun little project to show my appreciation for all the hours of entertainment they provided. It was a lot of fun to make.
'Magical Dealer' Intro Animation
Completed Youtube Intro i animated for The Magical Dealer. This was my first full paid animation commision (made in 2018) so i went all out on it. This was during the time i had started taking animation more seriously as a career path and was still learning a lot. I'm happy with how it turned out regardless. I animated this in Adobe Flash, drew tge background in Clip Studio Paint and did compositing in After Effects.
''' Logo Animation
Logo animation i did for musician Ghazi Gamali's video project. This was the second piece i worked on for this client and it was an interesting challenge matching the linework of the original logo but it ended up being very close. The soil linework was tricky as it had to move and still come together to the final 'pose' but it worked out nicely.
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